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St Margaret's Church of EnglandPrimary School

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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales. However, at St Margaret’s C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time for our school family to come together, learn together, reflect together, a time for children, staff and visitors to be still, engage and if they feel called to, respond.  It is the heartbeat of our school and it plays a fundamental role in shaping pupils’ character, thinking and actions. 


Collective Worship at St Margaret’s strengthens and supports the distinctive Christian character of our school and reaffirms our Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, respect, koinonia, truthfulness, thankfulness and perseverance.


Worship reflects the variety of traditions found in the Church of England as well as other Christian traditions, and recognises and follows the Church of England’s liturgical year. The daily act of worship is central to our ethos and is supported by all staff and governors, it is inclusive, invitational and inspiring.


Our school community takes part in collective worship on a daily basis, as follows






2.30 – 2.55

Whole School Collective Worship



2.30 – 2.55

Whole School Collective Worship

Monthly Everyone’s Welcome class collective worship


2.30 – 2.55

Visitor lead whole school Collective worship



2.30 – 2.55

Character/Values Collective Worship – ‘Encourage one another and build each other up.’ (Thessalonians 5:11)


2.30 – 2.55

Whole School Collective Worship



As a school, we acknowledge that occasionally the format of our daily act of worship may be altered to accommodate changes within the school day. 


Children leading worship

At St Margaret’s children leading worship is a central part of our routine. We have a collective worship team, made up of pupils, staff, governors and the church community and as such children are heavily involved in planning, delivering, monitoring and evaluating collective worship.  In addition to this the children have the following roles:


Before Collective Worship

During Collective Worship

After Collective Worship

Setting up

The children;

  • Select and set up music
  • Set up technology
  • Put out chairs
  • Prepare the worship table


All children say the welcoming sentence if they wish to.

At the end of worship

The children;

  • Hold the door open for people as they leave
  • Put away equipment and chairs
  • Blow out candles (supervised)


The children;

  • Greet the other children at door
  • Meet visitors at main entrance (and help them to set up)


The children;

  • Introduce a visitor 
  • Take part in Drama activities such as Open the Book.
  • Support teachers with music, video clips and PowerPoint slides.
  • Lead worship



The children;

  • Choose music and songs to be sung in worship that link to our theme.
  • Write their own prayers to share at the end of worship.
  • Plan and lead their own worship 


All children have opportunities to,

  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Read or say prayers.
  • Reflect and find stillness
  • Leading actions or signing to songs.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Use the Imaginor Evaluation grid.
  • Work together to look at evaluations and plan the next steps for Collective Worship.
  • Share evaluation findings with Governors and school SLT.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Blow out the candles.
  • Saying closing prayer and closing words.


Format taken from 'Children leading worship' by Helen Matter.



Weekly visitors leading worship allows our children to  appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world, as they encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible from different perspectives. Christian visitors from around the world help them to recognise Christianity as a world wide faith and enables all pupils and adults to appreciate that Christians worship in different ways.


Open the Book

The children all enjoyed going to St Margaret’s Church this afternoon for collective worship. Thank you to the Open the Book team, telling the Christmas Story and involving the children - OTB is always one of the children’s favourites!

Our Collective Worship Team and School Council representatives have had a wonderful morning  @DBELeicester  Advent service at Leicester Cathedral.

As part of @InterfaithWeek  Year Five led a whole school collective worship to share their learning on the Islamic Faith. They showed great knowledge, understanding and respect, well done Year Five.

As part of  @InterfaithWeek  Year Three led a whole school collective worship this morning to share their learning on Hinduism. They showed great knowledge, understanding and respect. A wonderful worship Year Three, we are all incredibly proud. 

Year Three have lead assembly to share their learning on Diwali with the whole school. They told the story of good conquering evil brilliantly. Well done and thank you Year Three. 

Harvest festival celebrations at St. Margaret’s Church.

Open the Book - December 2016 - The Christmas Story told from the perspective of the shepherds

On Monday 13th June, Year 1 led our collective worship about our Christian value of respect.


On 18th May 2016 Year 6 pupils enjoyed leading collective worship with the Open the Book Team. They performed the Bible story from Genesis of Jacob and Esau.

Open The Book

On Monday 11th April, EYFS led our whole school collective worship based on our Christian value of thankfulness. Miss Steele told us the story of the loaves and the fishes and we thought about who was thankful and what for. The children shared with us their pictures which they had painted about things they are thankful for.

On Thursday 24th March, Year 4 led the whole school in our collective worship at St Margaret's Church.  They shared the Easter story with us, told through poems and songs, which the whole school sang.

On Wednesday 23rd March, five children from Year 5 led collective worship. They shared with us what they had learnt on the Musical RE conference last week and taught us the song 'Creativity' with actions.

On Monday 22nd February, Year 4 led our collective worship based on our Christian value of perseverance.

On January 11th, year 5 helped us to think more deeply about forgiveness through sharing their thoughts, poems, art-work, prayers and singing.

St. Margaret's Christmas Service in Church - 18th December 2015

Jesse Tree

During our collective worship times in the run up to Christmas, the children have been adding objects to our Jesse Tree. A Jesse tree is a fun way for children to trace the 'royal' roots of Jesus from Adam and Eve through the centuries to Mary and Joseph. It is called a Jesse tree because of a verse in the Old Testament in the book of Isaiah which says 'A shoot shall come from the stump pf Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of its roots.'

The objects on the tree include:

  • Apple - Adam and Eve
  • Ark and dove - Noah and the flood
  • Star scene and Abraham figure - Abraham, Father of God's people
  • Dagger - sacrifice of Isaac
  • Ladder - Jacob's ladder
  • Coat and wheat sheaves - Joseph
  • Burning bush and staff - Moses
  • Stone tablets - Moses and the ten commandments
  • Scroll - Isaac's prophecy
  • House - Bethlehem
  • Harp - King David
  • Temple - King Solomon
  • Lion - Daniel
  • Saw and hammer - Jesus the carpenter
  • White rose - Mary, the mother of Jesus
  • Writing board and pen - John the Baptist
  • Stars - Jesus, Saviour of the world

Uganda - Aim for Change assembly 2.12.15


Today Mrs Ridout from the charity Aim for Change came in to talk to us all about her recent visit to Uganda. She talked to us about life in Uganda so we were able to compare a child's life in Uganda to our own lives. We learnt about how her Christian beliefs impact on the work she does and the difference that makes to so many people's lives.


The Children in Year 5 talked about their thoughts on poverty and read out a prayer they had written to end our assembly.

Aim for Change assembly

Remembrance Day

The whole school gathered together for two minutes silence at 11am. A group of children read some poems and prayers to mark Remembrance Day.

Poppy wrote this prayer:


Dear God,

We thank you for the people who gave their today for our tomorrow. We thank you for the things you created to make us who we are now. Forgive us for the things we have done. We are like a flock of sheep within our fold - God will protect us. There are still people out there fighting. Help us to remember that, whilst we have peace in our country, many countries don't have peace.

In Jesus Christ's name.


Open The Book - King Solomon

Children learnt that King Solomon was a wise King who relied on God for help.

Open the Book - David and Goliath

Harvest gifts - October 2015

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