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St Margaret's Church of EnglandPrimary School

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PE and Sport Funding

Every child at St Margaret's gets to enjoy a minimum of 2 hours of physical education per week.  Within PE we aim to teach children the basic skills through a wide range of teaching and learning.  Physical education aims to allow every child the chance to participate and make progress in their own way.  Some classes may have two 2 hour lessons per week, whilst in others, children may have 45 minute lessons with further sessions of physical education combined with other areas of the curriculum.

In EYFS children begin with exploring different movements, learning how best they might crawl, walk or run and how they can include apparatus in their different challenges.  As children progress, (both in EYFS and moving up through the school), and as they begin to understand how best they can achieve, more apparatus and equipment is used ~ including the children's favourite, 'Big Blue!'

In Year 6 children get the opportunity to go on a residential to Red Ridge in Wales.  This is an outdoor pursuits centre and children are able to demonstrate and build on their skills; both physical skills and confidence.

Physical Education plays an important role at St Margaret's and the children enjoy the opportunities which it presents them with.

For regular updates and sporting news, please see our social media pages (links below).



PE and Sport Funding 2022-2023

PE and Sport Funding 2021-2022

PE and Sport Funding 2020-2021

PE and Sport Funding 2019-2020

PE and Sport Funding 2018-2019

PE and Sport Funding 2017-2018

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