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St Margaret's Church of EnglandPrimary School

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School Council

Today saw the launch of St. Margaret's debating club! The children discussed the benefits of physical sport vs gaming. Next week's topics will include vegetarianism and whether books are better than TV! We can't wait! #oracy #debate #articulateyourpointofview #communication

"Here, here!" "Mumble, mumble!" Years 5&6 enjoyed a visit from Parliament this morning; learning all about the rule of law, democracy and how Parliament operates. Thank you to Malcolm @UKParlEducation for a very informative and interactive session. #britishvalues #parliament

We're so proud of Y5's generosity & ability to think of others. Many of Y5 spent time baking so we could have a cake sale today. They made a fab £125 which will go to WWF Australia to help animals injured in bushfires. They also enjoyed learning a little about Australian culture!

Last year staff and children collected for, and packed, kindness kits and school bags for displaced children in Burkina Faso. Today we received photographs of them arriving; what an amazing feeling to have made such a difference! Thank you @feedthehungryuk #valuesinaction

Thank you to all the families who have sent food and household goods for our ‘reverse advent’. We are overwhelmed by the amount we have taken to Hinckley Food Bank today. Thank you #community #valuesinaction

Two of our Year Six school council have had a wonderful day at the Hinckley Hub, Local Democracy Event. They have met local councillors and learnt about their roles; they also enjoyed being part of a debate and asking them lots of questions. #britishvalues #community

THANK YOU to everyone who has donationed 2ps for Children In Need... Year 4 had a great time counting and weighing all the coins and so far we have raised over £230! Well done St Margaret’s and well done Y2 for raising the most! #Pudsey #pudseybear #ChildrenInNeed

What an amazing morning! Our school council have been busy packing meals for children less fortunate that themselves in Burkina Faso. Collectively we packed over 5000 meals to help ensure children from this area are fed and educated. Thank you @feedthehungryuk . #makeadifference

Democracy has been a real focus at school recently. This week a voting station was set up in the hall as all the children voted for the new school councillors. #BritishValues #democracyinschools

Welcome to St Margaret's School Council.  We are made up of representatives from across the school who have been voted for by their class.  We aim to meet weekly when we can and we focus on different projects or ideas that have been put forward.  We have a board in school which tells everyone about our latest ideas and projects.  Take a look at the minutes below to find out what we are busy with now.

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