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St Margaret's Church of EnglandPrimary School

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Contact Details

St Margaret's CE Primary School
High Street
Stoke Golding
CV13 6HE

Telephone: 01455 212393
email: stmargarets@ipat.uk


Please feel free to ring our school office and speak to one of the admin team if you need any information. This includes requesting any information from the website in paper format.


Andrea Mepstead - Academy Business Partner
Sally Robertshaw - Senior Administrative Officer


Other key contact details you may need:


Mrs Hellen Ibbitson - SENDCO

email: h.ibbitson@ipat.uk


Mrs Sheila Grice - Chair of Local Governing Body

email: s.grice@ipat.uk


IPAT Data Protection Lead - 


for any data protection queries or information requests


Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust: a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 08450699.

An exempt charity. Registered Office: Church Lane, Gilmorton, Leicestershire. IPAT Main office ~ 01455 552343




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