IPAT Policies
In addition to school policies, also applicable are the following Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust polices:
- IPAT Admission Statement
- IPAT Charging and Remissions Policy
- IPAT Complaints Policy
- IPAT Complaint Report Template
- IPAT Discretionary Policies
- IPAT Policy for Attendance and Punctuality
- IPAT Policy for Bereavement Support
- IPAT Policy for Compliance with the Single Equality Duty
- IPAT Policy for Data Protection
- IPAT Health and Safety Policy
- IPAT Management of Outdoor Learning, Off-Site Visits and Adventurous Activities Policy
- IPAT Policy for a Missing Child
- IPAT Policy for Preventing Extremism
- IPAT Policy for Pupil Exclusion
- IPAT Policy for Pupil Health and Well-Being
- IPAT Policy for Remote Education
- IPAT Policy for Separated Parents
- IPAT Policy for the Use of Reasonable Force
- IPAT Virtual Live Lesson Protocols
- IPAT Policy for Volunteers
- IPAT Policy for Whistleblowing
- IPAT Safeguarding Statement
- IPAT Privacy notice Admissions applications
- IPAT Privacy Notice Parents
- IPAT Privacy Notice Staff
- IPAT Privacy Notice Trustees, Governors and Volunteers
- IPAT Privacy Notice Job Applicants
- IPAT Subject Access Request Policy
- IPAT Inclusivity Policy
- IPAT Curriculum Overview
- IPAT Curriculum Framework Summary
- IPAT Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development